How data-driven campaign changes and monetization iterations made Teleprompter among the TOP 10 Teleprompter Apps in US and Brazil


Background: Teleprompter is an app designed to help users shoot perfect videos with ease. The app features a video teleprompter that allows users to read every line without breaking eye contact with the camera, ensuring that their videos look natural and sound clear. Whether you’re a vlogger, YouTuber, or independent journalist, Teleprompter has everything you need to shoot, edit, and share your videos easily. With its user-friendly interface and clear recording technology, Teleprompter makes shooting videos a breeze, allowing users to record content anytime and anywhere with ease. Download Teleprompter today and start shooting content that looks natural, sounds clear, and goes in flow.

Our Goals:
  • Become one of the best Teleprompter apps in US along with other Tier 1 countries and Brazil
  • Maintain positive ROI
  • Redefined Google Ads and ASA campaigns
  • Changing the pricing strategy
The Result:
  • Our implementations multiplied ItS 3.5x to 10%
  • 13x MRR with average MoM growth rate of 40%
Image advertising the Teleprompter app, showing how it helps users read scripts smoothly.