Improving Paywall Performance

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The paywall in your app is where the user decides if (s)he is ready to try your app. We track the ratio of people who decide to try your app to those who installed your app with the Install to Activation (ItA) metric. Improving your paywall performance is one of the best ways to improve your ItA.

This article is not a paywall tutorial and you can find many articles on the web that do just that; however, we find it useful to summarize main improvement points on a paywall:

  • Visuals/video
  • Copy with catchy title & clear value proposition
  • Social proof
  • Clear Pricing
  • Engaging Call to Action button (color, shape & copy)

Changing even a single one of the above elements can have a dramatic impact on your ItA and therefore your bottom line. With all these options to improve your paywall, it becomes imperative to run tests and compare how various elements compare to each other.

This testing (called A/B testing) can be conducted on various precision levels: you can test two completely different paywalls against each other and choose the one that performs better to start and then replace standalone elements in this successful one to improve further.

Running A/B tests has two basic requirements:

  1. Ability to run & measure them
  2. Inspiration to create & improve paywalls

Luckily there are tools that enable developers to do both. Superwall lets you remotely configure every aspect of your paywall with the ability to analyze results. And for the inspiration you can simply rely on Google: mobile paywall templates will give you all the inspiration you need.

Another important point could be to localize the content of your paywalls both in language and visuals. Tools like Lokalise are great for simplifying this process.

Oh and don’t forget that Apple imposes strict rules for paywalls and it can easily reject your app if it doesn’t like your paywall, you can check out the rules from here.